Clonard GFC/CLG Chluain Ioraird

Founded 1895

Co. Meath

Under 13's set a 'lockdown' challenge

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During these challenging and often difficult times our Under 13 footballers are providing a welcome distraction from any boredom that might be setting in among the households of Clonard and beyond.

They have set the "Covid-19 Bin Challenge" to all the players in the club and have also nominated three clubs from three counties to continue the challenge. Their Facebook video has already reached 6,000 views since being uploaded on Tuesday evening and is proving to be an uplifting activity during this period of lockdown and isolation.

The boys are not only separated from their football and other sporting activities at the moment but are also separated from their teammates and friends. The video brings both together and judging by the children and parents' reactions in the video it's obviously proving to be a great bit of fun. Many relatives, friends and also 'cocooning' grandparents have also gained great enjoyment from watching their boys introduce themselves, display their skills and celebrate in style.

So the challenge is now set as we ask all our players, boys & girls, men & ladies, to upload their successful video challenge to their team's WhatsApp group before Sunday night for inclusion in another compilation video next week. We also look forward to seeing the nominated three clubs of Na Fianna, Coralstown/Kinnegad, and Mullahoran also take up the challenge as we keep an eye on their social media pages.

The video can be viewed by clicking on either of the links below. Can you bin it? Yes you can!

Maith sibh a bhuachaillí agus Cluain Ioraird abú!

FaceBook Video

YouTube Video (widescreen version)

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